Vegas Drift Smoke Sessions 07/06/2012.
My night begin with the beginners pad area, where I started off able to initiate the drift but was having major difficulties holding onto the drift. I had a few friends help me out that night, where I started with the power over drift, then attempted to try a feint drift ended up doing a fluke braking drift. By the end of the night I was able to do donuts, then it was wrap up time.
I ended breaking my head light switch,and my tire jack for some odd reason. But overall it was a fun night, now I just need more seat time.
I got some awesome tips on my suspension, how to set it up to over come the major understeer I was having and how I was doing the noob oversteering when I was doing the power over drift.
My car is driftable but it’s defiantly learning on hard mode even for s13 users. This s12 is defiantly hardcore status.