1987 200sx SEV6
Engine: VG30E (v6, z31 N/A engine)
Transmission: Automatic ??5Speed W71C – S13
1) Suspension
2) Auto to Manual, (In progress.)
3) Custom Exhaust
4) Engine Restoration, rebuild.
5) R200 LSD, possible 2-way custom.
6) Turbo
Current Fairlady Silvia News.
Fairlady Silvia is feeling stronger than before... and the end.
2018-03-16 19:14:52 The project Fairlady silvia I was able to make a redemption return this opener of 2018 at Vegas Drift,
Moving forward..
2018-01-18 17:27:44 I have recently turned in my plates due to a mess up with DMV, so I am a bit in limbo if I am driving this weekend or not, I might actually drive to the track but if I do it will be most likely G riding it somehow or if I can figure out the issue with DMV. if I end up going I might just slide some at the wet track.
My new plans is now in effect as the VG30S project was only temp until I found a better option for seek of more power. I’ve acquired an vg30de from an j30 from here I’ve plan to do some rebuilding.
Suspension refresh and so long JunkYard Caliper.
2018-01-06 04:20:34First thing I’ve noticed with this is that my battery terminal has alot of build up corrosion will most likely need to replace soon.
I got some work done this week to my car, did a full refresh and removing all the old s12 parts and replaced with the s13 parts as it should have been. Only thing I am not putting back on is the sway bar.
Pneumatic brake bleeder is an awesome tool I highly recommend it.
Upon removing the old s12 parts my junkyard q45 caliper start to leak from the piston so I went a head and ordered a replacement from RockAuto.
I replaced the caliper, used the pneumatic brake bleeder, 10 minutes later my brakes was solid.
Replaced an ford escort tierod end because the boot was ripped to shreds and deleted the sway bar because the end lines was both bent and damaged the s12’s lower control arms.
Fairlady Silvia Suspension Refresh is in effect.
2018-01-02 16:51:41The outer right tie rod is toast, and an junk yard q45 left caliper just blew it’s last seal.
So far this is starting to look good as I am also installing the s13 hardware that I have been lacking todo for a while now.
Next up will be a self alignment from where she stands and refresh the oil pan gasket if I could at this angle with out pulling the motor.
Progressively played sir.... and it's street driven
2017-11-21 22:55:05Made progress with both Fairlady silvia and with Serenity, for the ones who follow my blog on my progress. I have been progressing very well with my projects.
the 200sx SEv6 carb monster is doing very well with the new clutch setup until while driving to street driven event back in september I’ve noticed a weird bang. turns out I did a huge rookie move and forgot the pilot bushing from doing the auto to manual conversion on the second block I’ve acquired. So in 1 day I ripped apart the transmission, installed the bearing and called it a day. In the mean time I have been putting together and troubleshooting the small stuff on this motor including a rookie move #2 I should have re-gasket the whole motor before installing including the pisron rings.
Project Serenity is in action finally, drove it to the datsun meet of november Ratsun LV. She drove decent and the motor has ran great with 0 issues.